Frequently Asked Questions


Please note, our FAQ page may not answer every question you may have. If you still have any lingering questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. One of our team members will gladly point you in the right direction.

How long does orthodontic treatment usually take?

Treatment duration depends on each patient’s needs and goals. Dr. Bellan will provide you with an estimated timeline during your initial consultation to ensure you know exactly what to expect!

What types of orthodontic appliances do you offer?

We offer a variety of orthodontic appliances, including traditional and clear braces, clear aligners, and other specialized treatments tailored specifically to your needs and desires.

What should I expect during my first appointment?

During your first appointment, we'll conduct a thorough examination to assess your dental concerns. Together, we’ll determine the best treatment option for you.

How often will I need to visit the orthodontist during my treatment?

The frequency of your orthodontic appointments will vary depending on your individual treatment plan and progress. Typically, patients visit every 6-8 weeks for adjustments and monitoring.

Will orthodontic treatment affect my daily activities like eating or speaking?

There may be a brief adjustment period as you get used to your braces or aligners, but most patients adapt quickly and continue speaking normally throughout treatment. However, if braces are your chosen option, your diet will need to change slightly—avoid food that is hard, sticky, or difficult to bite into. These types of foods can cause damage to your braces. With aligners, dietary restrictions are minimal; remove aligners while eating and avoid hot beverages that can warp your aligners, as well as drinks that may stain your aligners. It's important to maintain proper care for effective results. Adjusting to these changes ensures a smooth and successful orthodontic journey.

How do I maintain good oral hygiene while undergoing orthodontic treatment?

Proper oral hygiene is crucial during orthodontic treatment to prevent cavities and gum disease. Our team will provide you with detailed instructions and recommend tools like special brushes or floss threaders to help you keep your teeth and appliances clean. It is recommended that you continue to visit your general dentist every 3-6 months for routine cleanings and exams while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

What happens if I experience discomfort or have an issue with my braces or aligners between appointments?

Don't hesitate to contact our office if you experience any discomfort or issues with your braces or aligners. We're here to support you and ensure your comfort throughout treatment!

How can I schedule an appointment with your practice?

You can schedule an appointment by clicking here or contacting our office directly via phone, email, or our contact form. We look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams!